Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wonderful Christmas

So, my stepsister, Hope, told me that they tell the boys if they don't behave, they'll turn up on my blog.

I think that makes me the Bloggyman.

But no one is bad on Christmas. Therefore, here is everyone on Christmas morning, enjoying Santa's bounty. Except for Hope and Galen, who were in the kitchen making mimosas, like the lovely hosts they are. And David, who must have been standing next to me, always by my side.

Christmas was lovely and wonderful. I cooked and baked a whole bunch. We saw family we rarely see and met little Tabitha for the first time.
Time flew by and I can't really tell you what I filled it with. I wasn't on the interwebs much and, after a couple of days, didn't turn on my computer at all. It feels like a slow unwind from my usual life of keeping up. My days are full the way I like them to be, but I run a pretty good pace to do it. To get the blog post done, to get my writing done, to do my day job, to read the blogs and books I try to keep pace with.

At first, it's hard to relax, to let go of the keeping up. Then, when I do, I let go of everything it seems. One world falls away and only the immediate becomes real.

We writers talk about living in our heads, in other worlds. A lot of the time I'm thinking about what I'm writing, about ideas for the blog or dream-thinking about whatever story I'm immersed in. Over Christmas, I didn't at all. I think this is as much a part of the writers life as any other - the letting go of it for a space of time.

Now I'm back and trying to keep the ramp-up slow and gentle. There go the important emails answered. Bank accounts checked and reconciled. Here's a blog post. Now I'll work on Sapphire. Later I'll cruise the information galaxies of Facebook, Twitter and the Blogosphere.

But for now I'll pour another cup of tea from the fabulous cat teapot Hope gave me and gaze out the window.

Happy Holidays, indeed.


  1. sounds like it was exactly the Christmas break you needed and deserved.
    Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks! I don't know if I deserved it, but I sure enjoyed it!

  3. I think everyone needs to let go once in a while. I tend to do that when I'm in the boat fishing (which I haven't done in about a month). It's like recharging a battery because once I'm back, I feel energized.

    Happy Holidays and here's to happy recharging!

  4. I totally agree, Danica - and thanks! Happy Holidays to you!


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