Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blessed All Saints Day

No trick-or-treaters for us last night. Nary a one.

Which was as we predicted, actually.

And surprisingly, it didn't make me sad at all. Now, I'm the girl who has dreams about missing Halloween. That suddenly it's upon us and I've failed to decorate. Or that it happened and I missed the event entirely. Of course, I also dream about missing Christmas and forgetting to buy presents, etc. I've already told you about my dreams of leaving cats to starve and die of neglect in hotel rooms. It's easy to see where I live.

Regardless, I love the whole trick-or-treating gig.

But the new house is in the countryside where there are no streetlights. It's dark and a bit wild, with the houses spaced far apart. I didn't really expect any costumed visitors and wasn't surprised when they didn't show.

We did go hiking in the afternoon, though. A gorgeous sunny day. The pic above is of our valley. You could even spot our house, if you knew where to look. What a fabulous treat to go on a short hike up a hill, a fifteen-minute walk from our home, on Halloween.

It makes up for the year I had to wear a parka over my hula girl costume. It truly does.

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