Okay, not really. Though I will have a special guest later this month: author Candace Havens is doing a blog tour to promote her new release Dragons Prefer Blondes. I've told her she has to adhere to the themes of love, power, fairytale endings and being generally careful of what you wish for, since I, myself, am so scrupulous about it.
Actually, today is the 9th of the month, which means I cross-post with Sole Struck Fashions. Yes, that's right: they have NO criteria for deciding fashionista eligibility.
In keeping with my new Sole Struck role -- last month I extolled the many virtues of second-hand and vintage clothes -- I have a new shopping tip today.
Check out a Police Auction!
No, it's not just for stolen bicycles anymore.
Have you ever wondered, say, what became of Imelda Marcos' 1,220 pairs of shoes? (Well, actually they made a museum of them -- no, really. Though maybe it's gone now, because the link they give for the museum itself doesn't work. However, you can salve your shoe-museum craving here and here.) But what about all those other ill-gotten gains? Naturally there's a website to auction them off, once they've served their time as evidence.

So, okay, these are cops, so the descriptions tend to say stuff like "Womens Shoes, 2 shoes." It's always a great find, when you can get two shoes at once. But they have pics, which you can enlarge to play detective like the little "Steal It Back!" guy -- which you have to admit adds a bit to the thrill -- and see that, yes! these are Ann Marinos.
The inventory changes rapidly, of course, with auctions finishing all the time.

But that Dolce & Gabbana leopard print jacket you just had to have and couldn't afford? Yes, still available! Only just under eight hours left on this baby, at the time of posting. High bid is $82. A small price to pay to channel Marisa Tomei in Cousin Vinny.
For the entrepeneurs: no visit to the Property Room is

Actually, this is the site disclaimer, provided by the Office of Inappropriate Capitalizations:
Our company receives hundreds of packages from many sources every day. These Packages arrive From: Store Closures, Insurance Claims, Misguided & Unclaimed Freight, Post Office Undeliverable Packages, and Unclaimed Merchandise. In Many Cases we do not know the Origin of these goods. Where we do Know the Origin of the product we will Describe it in the Auction. All products are Vintage, Pre-owned or Antique.Okay, "antique" may be stretching it, but the savvy shopper can find many great deals here. And make up the stories to go along with them.
Look, you can even get the pants to match!
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